Monday, March 30, 2009

My Favorite Blog

I just got back from a conference put on by some friends in NYC who run a ministry there called Mockingbird. I don't really like conferences in general (and often times Christian conferences are the worst of all!), but this thing is run by a couple of truly down-to-earth dudes who are REALLY convinced that the gospel is true, and they see the world differently because of it. So, needless to say, the weekend had a profound effect on me and many others.

Anyway, Mockingbird has a blog that daily addresses pop-culture, art, current events and the like, in order to illustrate truth about the human condition and the gospel. It's creative, insightful, and usually pretty entertaining. I literally don't read any other blogs, but I read this one religiously, because it's that good. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Just in the last few months their readership has grown exponentially to about 9000 unique visitors per month. So check it out when you get a chance. And if you don't at least find it amusing...I'll give you $5.

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