Tuesday, March 31, 2009

40th Street Song of the Week: Breathe by U2

This is my current favorite song on the new album - mostly because I've been listening to all the songs so much and this is a kind of a weirder deeper cut so it still feels new to me. You've got to respect the confluence of seemingly random phrases in this tune. Here's a fun game: Anybody wanna take a shot at what the heck he's talking about? I've got some guesses...

16th of June, nine 0 five, door bell rings
Man at the door says if I want to stay alive a bit longer
There's a few things I need you to know. Three.

Coming from a long line of traveling sales people on my mother's side
I wasn't gonna buy just anyone's cockatoo
So why would I invite a complete stranger into my home
Would you?

These days are better than that
These days are better than that

Every day I die again, and again I'm reborn
Every day I have to find the courage
To walk out into the street
With arms out
Got a love you can't defeat
Neither down or out
There's nothing you have that I need
I can breathe
Breathe now

16th of June, Chinese stocks are going up
And I'm coming down with some new Asian virus
Ju Ju man, Ju Ju man
Doc says you're fine, or dying

Nine 0 nine, St John Divine, on the line, my pulse is fine
But I'm running down the road like loose electricity
While the band in my head plays a striptease

The roar that lies on the other side of silence
The forest fire that is fear so deny it
Walk out into the street
Sing your heart out
The people we meet
Will not be drowned out
There's nothing you have that I need
I can breathe
Breathe now

We are people borne of sound
The songs are in our eyes
Gonna wear them like a crown
Walk out, into the sunburst street
Sing your heart out, sing my heart out
I've found grace inside a sound
I found grace, it's all that I found
And I can breathe
Breathe now


Thomas Dixon said...

Whew, that was sick. They sounded great. I definitely don't know what exactly he's saying, but it seems to be something about being able to breathe when otherwise you'd be suffocating and dying, and somehow a sound or a voice or a word--so mundane and simple yet more universally meaningful than anything else we can create--gives this life.

ross said...

Yes! Well said. So cool. I was thinking along the same lines. Maybe the song is about no longer living in fear and he is talking to Satan (or to his fear) and saying "There's nothing you have that I need." Maybe Satan (or his fear) is the dude who shows up at the door trying to give him three things he needs to know to stay alive (perhaps the three temptations of Jesus in the desert).

But he hears the simple word of grace, and the Spirit of God frees him so he can breathe, or as he says in the end of the live version, "Spirit breathe" so it's really the Spirit that is breathing in Him. And now he's not just walking out into the street with a love you can't defeat; He's actually running down the road like loose electricity! :)

Very cool image of living without fear and being moved to sing about grace (which is basically what the whole album is about - "I was born to sing for you..." And like you said, being able to breathe, as if perhaps for the first time.