Sunday, January 18, 2009

Alien Dinosaurs: They Are Real.

I have great news friends. I've recently come across an extremely convincing piece of evidence in support of my Alien Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory. You see, dinosaurs had over 160 million years as the dominant vertebrate animals on our planet. This is a suspiciously long period of time for such a powerful race of animals not to have evolved into a species as intelligent, if not more intelligent, than modern humans. Hmmm.

According to scientists, it only took half that amount of time for monkeys to evolve into homo sapiens, and it only took homo sapiens 300,000 years to invent Go-Gurt, Xbox Live and NASA missions to Mars. Just think what we could do with 160 million years! Or rather, think what the dinosaurs must have already done with all that time on their hands. Suspicious isn't it? My theory: they evolved to unheard of levels of intelligence until finally, leaving their less evolved counterparts behind to become fossils, they escaped the earth on hi-tech space ships intending to colonize other planets, as any self-respecting community of super-evolved intelligent dinosaurs would have when facing the threat of a giant world-ending meteor.

I know you must think this all very ridiculous. My answer to you is no. Not nearly as ridiculous as my absurd over-use of hyphens in this blog entry. But back to business...

We have recently come across an ancient record (the youtube video below) which proves without a doubt that these super-evolved now-alien dinosaurs actually came back to visit their simpler dinosaur ancestors for a time. And of course, even the simpler dinosaurs could talk at that point, since they apparently had 160 million years to develop spoken language! (Unfortunately the one they called "Spike" was still evidently a bit behind the evolutionary curve.)

Perhaps you cannot imagine what a thrill it must be to have such an intricate theory finally confirmed as fact. I know. Well for me, this renews my hope that one day we may be able to meet these wondrous, intelligent creatures from our past, from our planet, and yet from beyond the great beyond. They are the alien dinosaurs.

The last three minutes of this video redefine prehistory. That's all you need to watch.

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