This view of the world is inviting for a number of reasons. First, it rejects the traditional understandings of religion that have failed many. To these people, Oprah's faith presents a lifestyle of pragmatism. Rather than having to serve any notion of God, people are free to focus entirely on their own desires. Furthermore, this spirituality lacks any serious historically-sensitive baggage. While Christians are continuously haunted by the Crusades, and Muslims jihadist fundamentalism, adherents to this faith have nothing to be ashamed of. They are free to focus entirely on their own spiritual journey. In addition, this faith lacks so little definition that there are no serious disagreements within its community. Instead, there is the communal emphasis upon love and tolerance. However, perhaps the most fundamental attraction to such a lifestyle is its promise of purpose and personal fullfillment. According to Oprah and her friends, we all have a reason for being. Not only do we have purpose, though, but the possibility of true spiritual self-actualization. It is finally in our hands. A fan of Oprah articulates it quite well,
"Oprah shows us that people are longing for meaning and significance in their lives. They want to know they have a reason to be, a purpose for existing. And they seek practical help in living out that purpose. In some ways, Oprah addresses our existential dilemmas."
Apparently, Oprah has helped millions wrestle with the most profound questions of the human experience. Are our own any different? When turning out your own bedroom light, have you ever not paused to consider why we are here? Has the death of a friend of a parent ever led you to wonder if there really is any meaning behind our lives? Or is it all a matter of chance? Oprah's marked authenticity and vulnerability have given her audience permission to ask questions they have always wanted to.
Perhaps the most clarifying insight into Oprah's way of thinking has been a statement she made years ago on her hit television show. In discussing her own journey to spirituality, Oprah noted her conviction that God is a feeling rather than a belief, or in religious jargon, "doctrine". While this may sound poetic, I am absolutely certain she doesn't believe it, as much as I am convinced that you don't either.
Here is why: for if God really is a feeling rather than any sort of belief, then God is less of a truth and more of a mood. This becomes a very slippery slope. As soon as truth becomes subjective, you and I lose any right to claim something is right or wrong. You may "feel" or experience rape as a bad thing, but your neighbor may "feel" it is just fine. You may feel like your marriage is fulfilling. Your spouse may not - and sleep with another person. What does truth become, then? Not a question of right and wrong, but of power - whoever has the most power determines truth. "Might is right". This is an extraordinarily dangerous concept, and has a terrible history, not least to mention the Holocaust or slavery. Ultimately, the means justifies the end. This is the serious danger behind Oprah's spiritual movement. Without any serious definition or precision, such faith becomes impotent. Ultimately, this relativism has no ability to judge the ways in which you might have been wronged (or perhaps how you have wronged others), nor does it it have any true promise of hope. It ultimately leaves us with lives bereft of hope and meaning.
Unfortunately for its followers, this lifestyle places individuals at the center of their universe. The onus is upon them to both purify themselves and desperately try to find the good in even the worst of experiences. I recently listened to one show on spirituality hosted by Oprah and her panel of spiritual authorities. As caller after caller described their own experiences of tragedy, the panel essentially asked each one to smile and put on a happy face, or in other words, "To try to listen to what the Universe is teaching you" in the midst of it. What is the Universe teaching you when lose your job? What might the Universe want to say when your health insurance refuses to cover your child's cancer treatments? What might the Universe offer to a parent whose infant died upon birth? Sadly, this form of spirituality demands its adherents to pull themselves up by the spiritual boot-straps when things get tough. One caller even confessed her repeated failures to maintain this spiritual marathon, and asked what she could do to keep running.
Fortunately, the race is over, as there is a God distinctly different from such an unmerciful, exhausting, and pantheistic existentialism. Rather than just one discipline away, this God chose to enter actual time and space that he might reveal the nature of the world. But rather than asking his followers to continually "dust off their lantern", he permitted his own child to suffer a tortuous death that we might be free from the judgment of our inability to shine. Not only a feeling, but truth Himself, this God offers the hope of a place where the true injustices of this world will be made right, and we will join him there . If you are exhausted from running the hampster wheel of this spirituality, or anything remotely related to it - if you are interested in a God that made His own arduous pilgrimage to you, you may experience it THIS day!